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Todays Tickets -
Tech Ticket # Time Company Name Description
Eric 0717067 10 SEIU Healthcare Elaine Janus Deploy windows Defender
UnAssigned 0910029 1 SEIU Healthcare Elaine Janus Do we have any headsets available for use in a cubicle?
UnAssigned 1106058 0 Auto 701 Union Jeanine Earth waiting for call back: Adobe printing errors from Old National Bank app
UnAssigned 1108071 0 OMD Eva Vinzant Missing OMD Shared Drives
Nate 0913007 0.5 NIEF Andrew ILO credentials not working
Nate 0913011 0.5 NIEF Andrew waiting on Andrew: NIEF ILO creds not working
Nate 0918030 0.5 J Shoffner Andrew waiting on Andrew: ILO not found
Nate 1031005 0.5 Angelos Andrew waiting on Andrew: Rotational backup drive keeps disconnecting
Nate 1104013 0.5 Heat & Frost L17 JACKWC waiting on JWC: Rotational back up failed - drive not found
Nate 1105002 0.5 Iron Pension Fund JACKWC waiting on JWC: Drive disconnected on IWFUNDHV19
Nate 1108067 0.5 McNabola Tracey Battistoni Email trace
Christin 1009018 1 K+ Tech Jack Examine on the SEIUHC Sharepoint site
Christin 1028030 4 Showmens Scott WAITING FOR JACK APPROVAL - JB Pick Ticket - Excel & Report
Christin 1108057 0.5 Local 1 Training Tom Dobry Update website with January - June 2025 Class Schedule
Christin 1108061 1 K+ Tech Brian MM Entry Page Updates
JackWC 1024043 4 SEIU Healthcare Porsha SSC Inventory Changes in Sharepoint
JackWC 1025013 1 727 Union Anabel Ornelas Power cord replacement
Sunny 1028026 0.5 Stranco Andrew AWS backup & rotational failed
Sunny 1104009 0.5 S Niew Law Jack Waiting on JWC: CC info expired on O365
Sunny 1106052 0 SEIU Healthcare Roderick Woodson Waiting on user: Quickbooks issue
Sunny 1107045 1 _Helpdesk Balaji setup Kplus servers backup to synology
Sunny 1108004 0.5 SEIU Healthcare Elaine Torres Janus Waiting on user: QuickBooks Issue
Sunny 1108037 0.5 Local 25 SEIU Eric Certificate update
Sunny 1108049 0.5 Applegate Charlie Fox Waiting on user: AssetKeeper error message
Ash 1107044 1 _Helpdesk Balaji KPLUSFP server files copy
Ash 1108007 2 _Helpdesk Balaji ALL Meraki firewalls renewal check
Mac 1107053 0.5 Local 1 SEIU Andria Hewitt Waiting On User: 43242: Authenticator help
Mac 1108069 0.5 727 Union Jayna question on email searches
Mac 1108070 0.5 OMD Justin Arroyo Keyboard Issues

Todays Onsite Tickets

There are no onsite's tickets.

Projects and Client Questions

Working with Google Support - Youtube not loading Asher GD Law Brian 1030027 9
waiting for JWC: help with phone system to setup on office 727 Union JackWC 1106043 1.75
Re-Create all User Profiles F&G Roofing JackWC 1106054 4
Make sharepoint site work as network drives McNabola - ei Eric 1022034 1.5
MM Entry Updates K+ Tech - mc Brian 1021053 37

Scheduling Needed Onsite

Setup laptop for John Butler. Waiting for turning it online PDC 30 (Union ) Schedule 1109044
Regular scheduled office visit Thomas Schedule 0618001
request to change monitor arms HC Ben Fnd Schedule 0817119

App Tickets

Tech Ticket # Time Resolution Company Name Description
Jay 1108059 5 K+ Tech Jack Tickets App - MM Entry Page - Edit option for past 3 days info